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Why Lighting is Important in Visual Merchandising

Aggiornamento: 10 ott 2019

Visual merchandising is a form of communication. It’s a way to tell and get customers to understand your brand. Like any aspect of a business, it is essential as much as promoting your brand.

Why? Well, think of this: Before a customer listens to you or try your product, they all have to look at your space, be on it, and experience what you can offer. It is your first level of selling. First, you have to get their attention, make them feel good at what they see, and make them listen to you. That’s how visual merchandising is important. It has an alluring power to invite customers and be part of your brand. And on the end, make them buy your product or service.

And compared to other aspects of visual merchandising, lighting plays a significant role to compose a space that will entice your customers. To complete a visual merchandiser’s design, it is essential to play with lights to properly promote your brand’s overall image and product. It completes a store’s layout and provides visibility, attracting customer and encouraging them to experience your space and eventually buy.

It defines the store’s ambiance.

It is basic knowledge that light can affect our mood. We have emotional responses to how a place is lighted. A study even suggests that an intensity of light could define how intense you would feel your emotions. Hence, lighting can set the mood of your place, affecting and altering your customer’s mood.

Another effect of lighting is its influence on how your product and brand will be perceived by your customers. Taking note on how it can alter one’s mood, lighting can be used to create a space that reflects your brand image, somehow a way of communicating to your customer and telling them your brand story.

It highlights your merchandise.

If you are a retailer, you know how important it is that your product gets the spotlight. It is not enough that your products are simply lighted. Lighting is a strategic element of visual merchandising. Lights can be used to put the focus on products that you want to move in terms of sales. It is important to showcase them by shining a light that will flatter your product’s colors, shape or size. By using lights, you will make your customers look and interact with your products.

It compliments your interiors.

Imagine a space with dull lights, with one color and no play of shadows. Boring and displeasing, right?

Without ambient lighting, your customers won’t be captivated to even bother to enter your space. And, you wouldn’t even expect them to look at your products. Lighting gives an overview of what your store is all about. It gives life to your space. Without it, your interiors wouldn’t matter even how well-designed it is.

Light is color. And it does give color to your space.

Lighting is subtle advertising.

Now, people are getting smarter because of how easy it is to access information. (Hello, internet!)

Marketing gets even harder. You simply can’t fool people into buying your product or service. They understand if you’re only tricking them to buying something from you. That’s why subtle advertising is an effective way of doing marketing. It is not hard to sell; it can psychologically convince your customer to buy from you.

And that’s how lighting does it. Light taps into people’s mind, changing how they perceive their environment. If you strategically use lights for advertising or selling, you can do no wrong.

Lighting is a visual enhancer.

As much as it enhances your mood, lighting can amplify a place’s visual attractiveness. Your light choices can either increase or decrease your store’s value. Depending on what is your brand and what story you want to tell, proper use of light effects can significantly help you by enhancing its overall appearance.

Let’s say you own a bar. You want to showcase your wall of alcohol bottles to subtly tell your customer that you have a wide range of cocktail offerings.

Or let’s say you are a retailer, looking for an innovative way to modernize your store. You will need high-quality lights with good effects and color to help you grow your sales and communicate your brand identity.

Lighting can impact your customer’s experience.

After all of that, it all boils down to the customer’s experience.

Knowing how lighting can influence your customer’s psychology, as a visual merchandiser or an interior designer, you want your customer to have a good time and make each second count. Lighting plays a crucial part in the purchasing decision. Imagine this: a bad lighted store with dim lighting, products are not highlighted. Do think your customers will spend their time looking around? They will not.

Visuals always set impressions; lighting is important to create the perfect customer’s experience to get a good lasting impression.

Check POVLAMP and know more how you can innovate your visual merchandising.

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